pablo paredes - on the road again - to be cont
i've repainted the back of my truck to read: "Military Sisters & Bro's: Refuse immoral, unlawful orders; Support G.I. Resisters; Pablo Paredes, Kevin Benderman.
as far as i know, there are now 5 "out" resisters: Camilo Mejia, Stephen Funk, Adian Delgado, Pablo Paredes, Kevin Benderman - of course, folks are leaving the military by the thousands and not signing up in even greater numbers.
thus our anti-war movement swells.
as we drive down 101, we get mostly positive feedback. jackie is a virgin cp-trucker & she is thrilled & surprised by the responses. she's ready when i ask her to find the signs - heather has prepped her about my holding signs in response to white boys' middle finger, horrific hummers, and other negative comments.
one such ignoraenmous pulls up to the driver's side holding a brilliant bumper sticker "prevent aids, get straight"