Sign Language
I decided to stay inside instead of in my camper - BUGS!!!! HUMIDITY!!! WET WET HEAT!!!! Living in California, one forgets quickly how many bugs exist in the south and how they scream at nite - when I first heard this cacophony of discordant endless noise rising at sunset and not ending until dawn, it felt like the souls of Black and First Nation people cursing, crying, imprinting the night.
It doesn't seem as loud now - I'm thinking there are fewer and different bugs.
I have tick-phobia - or in all fairness, tick-caution. Two of the womyn here have contracted Lyme's disease and so I'm super extra cautious. Plus the mosquitoes are relentless. I stay inside except for my early morning run but with the fans running, not the air conditioning.
Tonite is sign language class nite so the womyn bounce in, eager and ready to learn more sign language. It is actually a lot of fun and the womyn are quite good.
Plus it's a nice break from re-reading and re-reading my precious words!