Code Pink Journals CodePINK Journals

Work 4 Peace,Hold All Life Sacred,Eliminate Violence! I am on my mobile version of the door-to-door, going town-to-town holding readings/gatherings/discussions of my book "But What Can I Do?" This is my often neglected blog mostly about my travels since 9/11 as I engage in dialogue and actions. It is steaming with my opinions, insights, analyses toward that end of holding all life sacred, dismantling the empire and eliminating violence while creating the society we want ALL to thrive in

Monday, May 21, 2007

MMMEG (Monthly Monday Meet, Eat & Greet) Dinner

MMMEG (Monthly Monday Meet, Eat & Greet) Dinner: Iran Report Back& Honoring our Foremothers
MudRakers Cafe, 2801 Telegraph Ave., Berkeley (at Stuart St.)
Our rage increases daily, but not as greatly as our determination to end war NOW! Join us as we reaffirm our determination, eat together, and hear a report back on Iran! 
Margot Smith, who recently returned from Iran, will give us a presentation about her trip to Iran. And we continue to reclaim Mother’s Day as a call for us to gather as women and seek each others counsel as to how to have peace in our nation & world.
We will have a scrumptious organic, fair-trade Mediterranean dinner as well.
Tickets are $23 more if you can, less if you can’t.

RSVP to or call 510-524-2776 by Monday

Summer of Protest

I think it is only through huge changes in our lives and devoting a huge chunk of our lives to ending this occupation against Iraq NOW, are we going to feel human again.

I think we need a paradigm shift - I think we need to stop comparing ourselves with the richest, most privileged amongst us but with the poorest, the most oppressed, the most deprived, the most suffering.

I think there are a very few of us in this country who are struggling to survive - there are some, but very, very few and those of us who are reading this now are not amongst those who are struggling to survive.

I think most of us are struggling so hard to maintain a certain life-style - and it is this very lifestyle that we have to examine, challenge, and change. For our struggle to maintain our lifestyle does not allow for the caring and compassion towards those that HAVE to suffer in order for us to maintain our life styles. For we have to face the fact that we consume up to 60% of the world's resources - and we are 4% of the world's peoples – and we ALL support this consumption to varying degrees.

I say we take a sabbatical from our life-styles: we put our lifestyles on hold for 2 months this summer, from July 4th until Labor Day. We organize a “Summer of Protest”; we shut down ports, we walk across the country, we blockade battalions that are being deployed; we descend upon D.C. and refuse to leave until Congress votes NO MORE WAR.

We begin today by committing 3 hours of our day every day to working to end war: whether it’s making phone calls, emailing, standing on the street corner, writing editorials, getting organized for the Summer of Protest, we do it.

I say we say NO MORE WAR and then we act daily to make sure that happens. No matter what!

Call in PINK Monday!!!! Youth "March for Peace"

While Congress votes for war, Students "March for Peace” – walking every step of over 3000 miles!

Join (all who sign on from the Bay Area) to KICK OFF the “March for Peace” on Monday, May 21st at 11:00am
in front of City Hall,
San Francisco

As anniversaries to an illegal war tick by year after year, one small group takes an incredible stand against continued war and occupation in the Middle East.  Half dozen students plan an unprecedented and courageous march from SF to DC – all on foot!

·        Interview these young people to find out what is fueling their determined stance and action to walk across the country, with all their supplies on their back! 

·        Marchers will joint them along the way. 

·         Huge rally in Omaha, NE – at their “half-way” point

The organizers state:
“We are organizing a march across the United States over the summer of 2007 to raise awareness about the need for peace and to unite people in a discussion of how we can take action and solve problems nonviolently.”
To these young new activists, “Marching for Peace” means marching for:
•Nonviolent resistance to war efforts
•End of genocide in Darfur and all crimes against humanity
•Civil disobedience to social injustices and orders of war
•End of nuclear weapon holding and
•Principles of sustainability and global citizenship
Event initiated by the future generation! Endorsed by (??) Not In Our Name, International Socialist Organization, World Can’t Wait, Code Pink, Answer, Bay Area United Against War…and lots of regular people that are opposed to the continuation of this illegal, immoral war!  We uphold these courageous young people, and anticipate their stories as they cross the entire United States on foot.