Marines have landed in Berkeley -
And we are also even more determined to SHUT DOWN this recruiting station! And we need your help!
Wednesday, October 3rd, from 7:30a.m. to 4:30p.m. we intend to have a HOT PINK presence in front of and inside the recruiting station! Please join us for a couple of hours, the whole day, or any part!
Our plans are two-fold: 1) to have a daily presence in front of and inside the recruiting station; and 2) to ask the Berkeley City Council on Oct 9th to enforce all our anti-war resolutions and make us a “military-free” zone by shutting down this station.
The recruiting station is open from 8-4 daily at 64 Shattuck Square , just south of University & a few blocks from downtown Berkeley BART. We are hoping you and your organization will choose one day to be responsible for!
We have designated five 2 hours shifts beginning at 7:30a.m. and ending at 4:30p.m. Shift 1: 7:30-9:30am; Shift 2: 9:30-11:30; Shift 3: 11:30-1:30; Shift 4: 1:30-3:30; Shift 5: 2:30-4:30pm
Many things can happen during those shifts from merely vigiling outside with a large banner, passing out flyers, setting up a picket line, going inside and talking with recruiters asking them to MOVE OUT!; making appointments to ‘be recruited’ instead of our grandchildren – the Grannies and Grandmothers action! Or????
PLEASE let us know what day you can take! Or what shift! Call today 510-524-2776 or email info (at) bayarea (dot) com
Together we WILL shut down this recruiting station NOW!!!