What we (DON'T) have to put up with....the terf slur conversation
I posted this to facebook and here is the response of a former friend who tragically spent her professional life supporting and encouraging self-hatred of one's body instead of helping especially girls take that journey through misogyny into female empowerment and self-love, especially of our bodies.
Think on this:
"As all and every single male in our society and every patriarchal society has more status than females in our society, so too do the men who claim they are now 'women' have more status as well than women ourselves."
Of course they do.
Here is the painful conversation we ended up having:
Beverly Booth Lowdermilk
What makes you think that?
- Beverly Booth LowdermilkI've never seen a 12 year old girl pull down her pants in a public bathroom.1
- Beverly Booth Lowdermilk Really? How else does she pee?1
- Beverly Booth LowdermilkXan Joishe goes into the stall and shuts the door I assume.1
- Beverly Booth Lowdermilk & when u were 12 going into ur school bathroom, u felt comfortable with men & boys coming in with u, peeing in the stall next to them, waiting 4 u 2 come out, meeting u by the sink? & u think closing a door affords privacy let alone keeps a woman or girl 'safe'? Any man can simply say he's a woman & now legally follow a girl or woman into a bathroom, a locker room, a battered women's shelter, homeless women's shelter, rape crisis center, even a support group 4 lesbians or women who've miscarried. The Equality Act has demolished wombn & girls sex-based rights fought 4 & secured less than 50 years, not even 5 decades of protections & rights put forth by Title IX by changing 'sex' to fuckin 'gender identity'.Surely u can c the potential horrific repercussions for girls & womyn? Or do u think racism & misogyny are dead? Do u actually believe wombn & girls hv achieved equality & r no longer in danger from male violence? Or do u think we hv 2 sacrifice our fight 4 equality & scant protections in order to make the sad men who 'feel' like women & who demand 'inclusion' into wombn's sex-based spaces so we now do not hv the right to even gather 2gether let alone compete with other wombn in sports or for positions set aside for wombn in the attempt to compensate for centuries of racism & misogyny?I don't understand Beverly. Ru not aware of this misogynist retaliation to the wombn's liberation movement?3
- Beverly Booth Lowdermilk & u also never heard of boys laying under the swings or bleachers trying to look up a girl's skirt either nor men who've been arrested for 'video voyerism" or pedophiles, etc etc etc - is this all behind us now so we can act like it's soooooo unimportant for wombn & girls 2 hv safe & sacred spaces where we can create magick? Or maybe u never had that opportunity to empower urself amongst other wombn?RISE WOMBN RISE2
- Beverly Booth LowdermilkAnd yeah, I know what a terf is.
- Beverly Booth Lowdermilk yes & I'm surprised u wld attempt to use an alleged 'slur' which u obviously think is a put down. Tired of Explaining Reality to Fuckwits.
- Beverly Booth LowdermilkI have trans friends. Don't try to preach to me.1
- Beverly Booth Lowdermilk this isn't about ur or anyone's trans friends. It's about sex-based rights, centering wombn - NOTHING to do w/men.3
- I have trans friends too, but I wouldn’t come on someone’s page acting a fool and then telling them not to try to preach to me, wtf is that shit even? You came to the teaching, not the other way around, you don’t like it, you leave the convo, you don’t get controlling, telling people how to act on they own post, ffs.3
- Tallon Kiehn NuñezI love that Tallon - Beverly Booth Lowdermilk came for the teaching! For sure.
- Beverly Booth LowdermilkXan JoiI am sad that patriarchy has hurt you so badly that you cannot see that trans rights and civil rights are inexorably linked. My hope is that you can understand this someday. I question your ability to be a leader for antiracism. Your need to continue to talk at me clearly speaks to what an emotional issue this is for you. Ps. Trans women aren't interested in looking at your panties. They just want to live. Trans women are in danger of getting the shit beat out of them in Men's bathrooms. And to answer your accusation, I do have a women's community that I feel safe in. If a Trans woman wanted to join in, we would welcome her. Bye bye.
- Beverly Booth Lowdermilk I am going through everything I wrote to you and I can't see one name that I called you, nasty or not. What "nasty" name have I called you?
- Beverly then said something about how I should learn about the 'fluidity and complexity' of the divine female energy and men embracing that female energy for themselves. She has since deleted that ridiculous entry.
- Beverly Booth Lowdermilk I am a fierce kickass wombn for over 70 years and a lesbian for over 40 years. You REALLY think I don't know the fluidity and complexity of the divine female energy - that I am? But men who embrace society's sex-based stereotypes against females and then claim to 'feel' female and 'identify' as female do know our divinity and know better than I do? And "femininity" is a racist and sexist concept to keep wombn, including strate white wombn, oppressed and controlled. Has the wombn's movement just gone over so many people's heads? Do you remember a sacred tenet of feminism is "Change society, NOT your body" But maybe even most of all Beverly, I know misogyny. I've lived, breathed, studied, researched, dialogued, focused, communed, analyzed, yanked out of me, dismantled, torn down misogyny internally as well as worked on externally destroying it - as I have also racism - and I know that men can never be wombn, nor wombn men. I know that neither drugs nor surgery can turn a men into a wombn and vice versa. Tell me why should that reality be insulting to anyone? Unless you're trying to co-opt and fetishize the female and demolish sex-based rights. There are trans people who know they are men not wombn and still trans. I differentiate between the trans agenda and individuals. I know this trans agenda to demolish the tiny bits of liberation, freedom, empowerment wombn fought for and carved out for ourselves is merely backlash when truth is spoken to power.
- Beverly Booth LowdermilkI wrote to you on the wrong post but you can find it. TERF is not a slur, it is an Acronym for a philosophy with which I disagree. As I disagree with any bigotry and supremecisborn out of fear
- Beverly Booth Lowdermilk if terf has not been designated by the trans agenda as a slur, do you think then it's a positive thing? And what 'philosophy' is that that you disagree/agree with? Your 'philosophy' that wombn do not have the right to gather with wombn? Does that extend to then jews don't have the right to gather with jews? Or trans people don't have the right to gather with trans people? Or is it just wombn who are forced to "include" everyfuckinone because we don't have the right anymore to gather in same-sex spaces? You can call me a merf (I exclude men when I want to), a cerf (I exclude christians when I want to), a serf (I exclude strate wombn when I want to). and p.s. Beverly Booth Lowdermilk I do NOT define myself by who I exclude but the trans agenda is soooooo powerful they can not only turn a wombn's 'philosophy' into a negative thing and pass it on to even strate wombn, but can define me by who I exclude. Like I said, there's a whole alphabet soup of who I, a lowly wombn, fuckin exclude from my home, my events, my spaces.
- Beverly Booth Lowdermilk it would be funny if it wasn't so obvious you have swallowed the entire trans agenda. "Born out of fear"? REALLY? What possible fear could I have for a trans person? Well, in a way that has a grain of truth: all wombn have good reason to fear men. But the way you have agreed to encompass the "fear" rhetoric of the trans agenda is again, my 'philosophy' of safe, empowering spaces for wombn turned to be about men instead of about centering wombn. I actually fear no fuckin man - well I do fear white men with guns but not any man who wants to step out of his sex-based roles and stereotypes assigned to him at birth. What could possibly be scary about that? I and every single fuckin lesbian knows about stepping out of society's sex-based stereotypes and for many many many years longer than most strate wombn.
posted by Xan @ 4:45 PM