Code Pink Journals CodePINK Journals

Work 4 Peace,Hold All Life Sacred,Eliminate Violence! I am on my mobile version of the door-to-door, going town-to-town holding readings/gatherings/discussions of my book "But What Can I Do?" This is my often neglected blog mostly about my travels since 9/11 as I engage in dialogue and actions. It is steaming with my opinions, insights, analyses toward that end of holding all life sacred, dismantling the empire and eliminating violence while creating the society we want ALL to thrive in

Saturday, January 01, 2011

Carla & Lupe!

I spend almost the entire day today talking with people. I am sitting on a bench facing the lake, with my Spanish books, and almost everyone who walks by greets me. A few people stop and ask me about myself, the truck, where I am going to, coming from.

I have a short conversation with a man in english mostly as his 10 year old daughter stares at me in fascination. He points out his 3 daughters to me, and his wife, and tells me they are visiting his wife’s mother and father here. He has lived in the states, San Jose and Modesto, to be exact, for 5 years, a long time ago.

A little later, Aurora returns with her older cousin, Ivoni. We speak for a long time – fortunately Auvora does most of the talking, and Ivoni, who is 13, does most of the interpreting of my Spanish for everyone.

Soon we are joined by 5 more girls, all cousins of Auvora. The girls plunk themselves down in a circle around me and Auvora and we talk and talk.

Most of them are teenagers and very interested in me, my travels, and the fact that I am sola. When I tell them no to their husband/boy friend question and say I am a lesbian, their total immediate reaction was that’s great!

One little (in stature only) girl who I thought was 8 or 9 and turns out she’s 11, asks me immediately “do you have a girlfriend?” I’m so happy. Up to now, no one has asked me about a lover when I’ve come out to them.

I tell them no I don’t but I intend to. They all laugh and clap.

After they leave, I return to my studying. A womon comes and plops down next to me, and her daughter sits at our feet. She speaks to me rapidly in Spanish. I think she tells me she’s heard about me, the senora/senorita who is traveling sola.

She tells me she’s a single mom with 3 girls and Fatima is 10 and her youngest. She is only 33 with a 16 year old, 13, and 10. She has kicked her husband out a long time ago because he wouldn’t stop drinking.

Soon the sun begins its stunning descent behind the mountain. I turn to watch it and see two womyn walking very close together and coming my way.

We greet each other as I try not to get whip lash or fall off my bench, and they continue walking behind me and down the pier. I KNOW these womyn are dykes!

Soon they return and I ask them to talk with me. Carla and Lupe are so cute and sweet. Lupe has lived her all her life and I think she says she’s 28. I am so excited to see them and talk with them.

And I tell them I’m glad to meet other lesbians. Lupe admonishes me and says the u.s. is not the only country with lesbians. I ask her if there are any other lesbians living here in this village and she says no, not out lesbians.

We talk for awhile longer. I don’t want them to leave but they have family obligations. I hope they will return in the morning before I leave. I have so many questions to ask them and I’m soooooo hampered by my Spanish – or lack of.

But everyone is so gracious, even the children.

New Years Day

I survived new years eve in tux…. something – on the lake. I welcome the sun this morning, as I climb onto the peer, looking for discarded plastic bags to pick up garbage with the revelers left last night.

There are tourists here, but not estadounidense, I don’t think. As I walk along the peer, another womon approaches and we greet each other buenas dias.

A man about her age follows her picking up cans only. I don’t want him to think I’m trying to capitalize on the can deposit so I wait to fill a plastic bag.

The womon I passed turns around and asks me if I want to walk with her. Chaiyo, I think her name is. She walks every morning.

I decide to come directly out to Chaiyo. She has told me she has 10 children, many grandchildren, is 69 years old, and has lived here her whole life.

She wants to know about my husband and children. I tell her, no husband, one child, one husband 40 years ago, but not now.

She wants to know why, why no husband. First I tell her libertad, but then I decide to tell her the whole truth. I love womyn, I am a lesbian.

She blushes but doesn’t run away. She doesn’t ask me if I have a lover. Maybe she doesn’t know how to ask. Especially with my limited Spanish.

We talk about the partiers last nite and I assure her no one bothered me. I slept mostly. She asks me if I want to walk with her in the morning. I take that as a sign she’s okay I’m a lesbian or she doesn’t understand – but she still wants to walk together in the morning.

I didn’t ask her where the other lesbians live around here. Next time