Code Pink Journals CodePINK Journals

Work 4 Peace,Hold All Life Sacred,Eliminate Violence! I am on my mobile version of the door-to-door, going town-to-town holding readings/gatherings/discussions of my book "But What Can I Do?" This is my often neglected blog mostly about my travels since 9/11 as I engage in dialogue and actions. It is steaming with my opinions, insights, analyses toward that end of holding all life sacred, dismantling the empire and eliminating violence while creating the society we want ALL to thrive in

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

From the house...

the CodePINK house that is! This is my first time seeing the CodePINK House and it is AWSOME! Cynthia has been here for a couple of days and has begun to decorate! There are 3 stories, four bedrooms, a large living room, dining room and kitchen. We will be quite comfortable here.

Medea and Ann drop by – they LOVE the house and are hoping we can secure a long-term lease. CodePINK has wanted to have an activist house in D.C. for us to have a place to stay during the whole year and not just times like these.

D.C. is the power-hub of our country. I can’t think of the right word – it is not the brain and definitely NOT the heart, but it’s energy is enormous, colossal – and it is where we need to be to affect change.

Medea and Ann have already been at several hearings, and YES, the Congress is finally having hearings on the war in Iraq = the proposed build-up to be specific.

Ann got to stand up and testify (without getting kicked out) already too. Apparently she was sickened by Lieberman’s pro-escalation of the occupation of Iraq. She stood up and said something like insurgents are created by our occupation, not by our pulling out of Iraq.

We are meeting tonite at our temporary “headquarters”, the Al-Fishawee Internet Cafe where excellent organic vegan food, reliable internet access, and abundant CodePINK women gather!

I have arrived

I have finally arrived in D.C. after driving the CodePINK Truck from Oakland to D.C. on our cross-country Mandate for Peace Tour! I was able to do about 12 "Peace-In's" in 5 states! Yeah!!!! And MANY wimmin told me they were SERIOUSLY considering coming to Washington D.C.

I'll try to keep blogging as we make herstory these coming days and weeks. Nancy is blogging too at

The CodePINK House will be open until at least the 20th of February - or until Congress defunds war, should that come sooner!

Please SERIOUSLY consider coming to D.C. and joining us! We NEED your voice, your body, your ideas.

For the schedule of our actions/events in D.C., check out the calendar at - we are committed to posting daily. For the schedule of national CodePINK actions, check out the codepink website - jan 27th.

If you are able and willing, we still need contributions to help sustain us in D.C. Please go to the bay area website, to donate securely.

Clear out a country

So I had an idea when talking with those white men especially who just are unable to fathom a world without war.

I think we should clear out a country for all the people who are willing to solve their problems by killing other people. All those people can move into this country and proceed to kill each other.

All the rest of us who are NOT willing to resort to killing, to torture, to rape, to maiming other human beings will inhabit the rest of the world.

Problem solved.