“NOW What Will White Wombn Do To End Racism?”
Zoom gathering 4p.m. pst/7pm eastern Sunday June 20th
So now what?
It’s been over a year since Breonna Taylor was murdered and George Floyd was crushed to death in front of our whole nation’s eyes.
And almost a year since the media coverage of the continuing police violence and murder has trickled to practically not even a footnote, if mentioned at all.
And yet, police murders of Black wombn, youth, men are not ‘just’ persisting but increasing even.
And white attention let alone empathy or willingness to act is rapidly dwindling. In fact, white approval of Black Lives Matter has sunk lower than pre-covid January 2020 levels.
Did we mention accountability? How are white wombn holding ourselves accountable for smashing racism, let alone for pursuing justice while instituting reparations and restitution? What resources are we sharing, especially when we perceive our own selves as “poor” or strugging?
How about the increasing white uproar concerning Critical Race ‘Theory’ – which should be Critical Race FACTS. For those of us who know the truth of CRT, what is our responsibility in confronting other white people who are denying or attacking CRT?
And it’s been almost four months since we’ve zoomed together. I’m sure we’ve been reading, educating ourselves, continuing our personal and political actions, honing our anti-racism skills – so let’s catch up! And jump start our zooms!
To join, please use the same zoom link we’ve always used. If you are new or have forgotten it, message me or email ButWhatCanIDo2018 at gmail for the link!
For a
glimpse into one of our last zoom gathering:
"But Can We Work Together, Though" Nicole Smith
"Can Black women and White women Be True Friends?" Kim McLarin
"The White Woman: The Black Woman's Nemesis" by Francoise Berguss
I a Woman” bell hooks
Master’s Tools Will Never Dismantle the Master’s House” Audre Lorde