The white men I know...
He gulps and then whining, tells me the other one - i.e. Clinton - isn't any better. I disagree vehemently with him, not that I'm telling him who to vote for, just who NOT to vote for. I say she's a lot better than him, but she's not his only choice.
He tells me he did vote for Ross Perot many years ago but that didn't work out. I tell him there's lots of other choices on the ballot and he can always pick someone else.
Of course, he then tells me he doesn't even want to vote and for a half a second, I'm tempted not to encourage him but I do encourage him to vote, even if he has to write his own name in, or mine, I joke with him.
But I make him promise he'll not vote for 'rump - or at the very least, THINK about not voting for that (deplorable) asshole.
Why are most of the white males that are cleaning & running veggie oil libertarians or raving fundamentalist republicans???? grrrrrrrrrr