whose government can:....
i'm so ready to travel again - i can't wait to talk w/folks & feel the mood of the country, so to speak. i'll take I80 this time, all the way. i won't get to talk too much because i need to get to philly before the weekend & the bio-something conference... plus one of my customers is having me haul 9 plants to the east coast for her!!!! i'm wanting to get them there alive.
i hummed & hawed about what to repaint the back of my truck for this trip - there's so much happening, so much to say. i finally settle on: Whose Government can: search your home & not tell you; collect info re: u'reading & buying; & seize your business & financial records; ignore the Geneva Convention-kill, rape, torture? the Bush Administration's sacrifice of our liberty: the patriot act.
i've decided the patriot act is most pressing for this trip. i wish i had time to get some things printed, but off i go! i'll keep you posted! in pink peace, protest, power, participation, sam