Troops home FAST
I was not going to fast myself – I LOVE to eat, I love to feed my body, I love to experience new and different foods, I love the experience of sharing a meal with family friends, I love the experience of nurturing family friends through feeding them my creations.
On the other hand, choosing NOT to eat is such a PRIVILEGE!!! The time it took you to read this post, probably a baby or two have died of starvation, depending on how quickly you read. Every 7 seconds, a baby dies of starvation in our world. How many people, a handful in this very country, can choose NOT to eat? hmmmm...
So fasting is incongruous to my life style, jars the scheme of privilege in our country.
And then, isn’t this what I’ve been promoting? We have to sacrifice, end our lives as usual, make room in our daily lives to end war?
I have felt so rich in my life when I can go into Whole Foods or the Berkeley Bowl and buy whatever food I want to eat. I have felt downright affluent when I have the money to spend on making gumbo, black-eyed peas and greens for 15 or 20 wimmin every New Year’s Day.
Eating is the one area of my life that has gone on pretty much as usual since the official bombing of Iraq began – I’ve even increased my food bill because of my traveling and having to eat out so much – eat out from Whole Foods or (preferrably) some other organic food market around the country.
Feeding my family friends has fallen by the wayside, but nourishing my own body has continued pretty much as usual – which means I’m consuming too much food in life, more than my share.
So last night at midnite, I began fasting – I have fasted all day & I think I will continue tomorrow. I have lots of extra assistance – I am beyond broke (as in maxed-out credit cards), and I’ve got the creeping crude that has migrated inside my lower lip, making it painful to eat anyway. Of course I have a high tolerance for pain so I could eat but I will go with this fast for a few days.