On the road again....
Since the end of April, my return cross-country trip has been delayed so I've been hanging out close to home but now I'm more than ready to embark on a cross-country trip 6 months after this overt fascist has taken over our country. I'm keen to find out how/if things are changing since my last trip: how committed to acting folks have become/are continuing to be; and on the other hand how overtly hateful and violent white men feel supported to be.
I will probably have to do most of my driving at nite, as temperatures are just way too hot to suffer through during the day. Yes, I do not have air conditioning - wouldn't use it if I did. Plus the heat makes the engine work too hard and the tires pop!
I plan to head to L.A., then maybe stop in Tucson, El Paso, revisit the protest camp at Balmorhea, stop in and visit the amazing amazons in Jackson Mississippi, then to Atlanta and up the coast.
The only thing I was unable to do before leafin the Bay was repainting the back of my truck. I guess I'll do it in Atlanta. I might put a radical feminist message on the back like "BIOLOGY DETERMINES SEX" (and next to sex list female/male; womon girl/man boy; doe, buck, etc.), and under that "SOCIETY DETERMINES GENDER" (and before society list patriarchy, misogyny, racism, capitalism) and under that "RISE WOMYN RISE!" & "ABOLISH GENDER"
Although there are so many important fights to be engaging in, I deeply resent having to again and again and again fight against the same misogynist shit when we have real, life-threatening, extinction-threatening violence we need to be ending.