Brief Report Back: Introductory Sunday September 24th
We had a very robust gathering this evening despite or maybe because of the fact that it is the eve of Yom Kipper!
Four of us were online, most from the Big Mouth Girls webpage, but all totally committed to working together and finding our way to smashing racism and establishing equity.
One of the topics that came up was how to handle it when we confront a white person who has said a racist thing and their response is “oh I was just joking.” We role played several different responses to put into our tool box and take with us.
Another topic we discussed was the racism “coded” in such terms as “difficult community”, how to identify the underlying racism, and hold the anti-racism lens up to decode the racism inherent in our language. And the not so “coded” terms as “slaves”
. We began the discussion of how white womyn can use our privilege, especially our financial privilege, to support Black and brown womyn. When we belong to organizations or attend events where money could be and probably is a barrier to especially Black and brown womyn. How we can collect funds from other white womyn and designate those funds to go to support Black and brown womyn, with no strings attached.
As a couple of us are doing Get Out The Vote, we talked briefly about the script, phone banking – more later.
We also barely touched on the discussion of “humans”, DNA, “we’re all the same” – “coded” language or truth or false? To be continued.
Some resources mentioned:
“All In – The Fight For Democracy” Stacey Abrams
“Suppressed: The Fight to Vote”, and the later version “Suppressed and Sabotaged: The Fight To Vote” Brave New Films
“My Grandmother’s Hand” by Resma Meachin
There were a couple more but I’m not finding the links – next time!
See you the 2nd Sunday in October, the 8th! At 4pm pacific time/7pm eastern