Code Pink Journals CodePINK Journals

Work 4 Peace,Hold All Life Sacred,Eliminate Violence! I am on my mobile version of the door-to-door, going town-to-town holding readings/gatherings/discussions of my book "But What Can I Do?" This is my often neglected blog mostly about my travels since 9/11 as I engage in dialogue and actions. It is steaming with my opinions, insights, analyses toward that end of holding all life sacred, dismantling the empire and eliminating violence while creating the society we want ALL to thrive in

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Jasi - stay tuned

I begin my run this morning 6:05. It is light out but the sun is not visible. The small bright c crescent of a moon is still high in the eastern sky, totally discernible as we have no foggy grey mist this morning but several big cotton ball fluffs of clouds bouncing around the vast blue sky.

As I continue my run, these clouds turn a deep pink, causing all the sailors to take warning.

It must be in the upper 50’s – it is not really cold although I do run in my sweats. Returning to the camper, I make a great breakfast of quinoa, onion, with the last of the celery, and the leftover kabocha. I add my spices, of course, garlic granules (I’m outta fresh…tears), cumin, tumeric, cinnamon, and a little coconut oil – and I’m set to go!

I get on line early, right after breakfast, to check out the weather. Yup, rain expect today, but not before midnite.

I decide I should to my job & wash my bathrooms in the back building today so I get the keys from Roy and head out to do the scrubbing.

It takes less then 45 minutes – and I wash down some of the walls and the supply closet as well.

Back at my camper, I fill my water tanks from the faucet next to the camper and then detach the hose, wrapping and attaching it underneath the truck. I start putting away my things that are out at my site: my puzzle, my chairs, dishes, towels drying. I'm preparing both for the storm and to leave.

I study Spanish for an hour, promising myself I'll do more later - now I need to move around!

Before putting my bike away, I pump up the tires and go for a ride. This is not as easy as it sounds for I find everything is hilly - and mostly uphill! As much as I hate & am so lame about hiking uphill, I'm much worse about riding my bike uphill.

But I promise myself, when I return to this campground, I'll work up to riding at least around here!

I am proud of my independent (always, of course) and simple life style. I think I'm frugal and resourceful, but then I also know I am very privileged. I was able to bring food from home, and re-stock in Birmingham.

And I have all the water I need, bathrooms with showers, back-up electricity if my solar is not getting enough sun.

And work to do, people to influence as best I can!

But the BEST NEWS: I get to go to Atlanta tomorrow to spend a couple of daze with Tess & Jasi. Stay tuned…