We SHUT DOWN the Marines!!!!
We of CodePINK: No Military Predators Team want to send a huge, heart-felt THANK YOU to everyone who participated in yesterday’s AWESOME demonstration that SHUT DOWN the Recruiting Station in Berkeley .
We had a huge broad-based bay-area coalition with representatives from many groups including: Grandmothers Against War, Raging Grannies, Graypanthers, MECA (Middle East Children’s Alliance), WIB (Women in Black), CCCO (Central Committee for Conscientious Objectors), IVAW (Iraq Veterans Against War), Berkeley Liberation Radio, Progressive Democrats, ANSWER, Veterans for Peace, Obama Campaign, ADB (Average Dyke Band), World Can’t Wait, CAN (Campus Anti-War Network), Women for Peace, Singing for Peace, Berkeley High Students, Ecumenical Peace Institute, Act Against Torture, Courage to Resist.
CodePINK Com Madres came from all over the Bay Area also to stand together in solidarity, from 7 months old (Judy’s baby!) to 90+ years old!
We spoke for a good half-hour to the Landlord as well!
We got TONS of media coverage, both local and national, TV, paper, internet. Fabulous photos and mostly positive reporting. (Some links at bottom)
And we need your help to SHUT ‘EM DOWN forever!
Our beginning plans are as follows:
1) to have a daily presence in front of and inside the recruiting station;
2) to ask the Berkeley City Council on Oct 23rd to enforce all our anti-war resolutions and make us a “military-free” zone by shutting down this station
3) to circulate a petition for residents of Berkeley shutting down the station
4) to call the recruiting station daily, 510-705-8060, ask to speak with Captain Lund (or whomever if he’s not available) – ask him politely to close the office and leave Berkeley!
5) to shadow the recruiters and show up wherever they are at and do counter-recruitment
The recruiting station is open Monday thru Friday from 8-4 daily at 64 Shattuck Square , just south of University & a few blocks from downtown Berkeley BART. We are hoping you and your organization will choose one day to be responsible for!
We have designated five 2 hours shifts beginning at 7:30a.m. and ending at 4:30p.m. 1) 7:30-9:30; 2) 9:30-11:30; 3) 11:30-1:30; 4) 1:30-3:30; 5) 2:30-4:30.
CodePINK is taking responsibility for all shifts on Wednesdays! (If you are a CodePINKer and have not yet signed up for a shift, PLEASE do so today!)
MECA is taking 11:30-1:30 Thursdays; Progressive Democrats 11:30-4:30 Fridays; World Can’t Wait 3-6 Fridays; individuals are taking 1:30-3:30 on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Many things can happen during those shifts from merely vigiling outside with a large banner, passing out flyers and counter-recruitment info, setting up a picket line, going inside and talking with recruiters asking them to MOVE OUT!; making appointments to ‘be recruited’ instead of our grandchildren – the Grannies and Grandmothers action! Or????
PLEASE let us know what day you can take! Or what shift! Call 510-524-2776 or email info (at) bayareacodepink (dot) com
Together we WILL shut down this recruiting station NOW!!!