The commissioner who was the only vote against the resolution, did so on the grounds that the information Manning released could have harmed u.s. troops by spreading negative information about us to the 'enemy'.
This is my response to the issue of "harming":
1st of all: the people of the world already know, in great detail, the harm we are causing in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. Nothing Bradley revealed was news to them.
2nd please consider and weigh the 'harm' of war that we - our troops, contractors, weapons - are capable of and are inflicting on others: the harm of the most heavily armed, most highly technologically 'advanced' weapons of war, the country that spends more money on the military than every other country in the world combined; the "harm" of destroying a country's infrastructure, of building and imprisoning more prisons, more women, more men then have ever been imprisoned before; let alone the torture, rape, murder of those individuals and others.
3rd of course, the almost greatest potential "harm" in this country Bradley inflicted, is the harm to the views of those people supporting war. it is mostly the people of this country, not those who are attempting to survive under our troops' occupation of their land, who are unaware or choose to be uninformed of what is really happening in our name. To hide the truth, distort the facts, cover-up at best exactly what it means for us to be at war, against very poor countries, in this 'modern' day - which is what the protagonists of war HAVE to do to sell it to us - this is the greatest "harm" that cripples our ability to act as kind, caring, loving human beings, or even just decent people. Bradley's courageous acts can lead to this liberation of the people of our nation.
This brave young man faces up to 52 years in jail. Please go to http://www.bradleymanning.org/ and do what you are willing and able to support his fight, which is really our fight too.