More on simple consciousness
I can't believe the non-smokers are silent, at least at the g.a.'s, but not behind people's backs, complaining about smokers. I seem to be the only one putting out that we should have smoking and no smoking areas. Several smokers have told me to my face that if they can't smoke anywhere they want, they're going to leave.
I want to show them the way. grrrrrrr
Then the fuckin plastic water bottles. I'm really bummed Keith from Food Not Bombs is leaving. He is at least conscious and attempting to act accordingly.
I mention to people that we should really try to encourage contributors to give us minimum 5 gallon containers of water at the VERY LEAST! We should be conscious about what gifts we accept. It is not easy to tell someone "no thank you" who is enthusiastically giving us products that are made by slave labor or that we are killing people to get their oil cheap to make plastic or products that will take 10's of thousands of years to biodegrade.
But it is the opportunity for them to learn and grow, as well as for us to walk the talk, if we really are concerned about ending wars for oil and protecting our Mother Earth, yes? Just the simplest thing we can do. NO PLASTIC WATER BOTTLES!
Keith is allowing me to post a sign but you might think I was depriving people of a basic necessity instead of trying to save lives, end wars, & seek equity. grrrr