Code Pink Journals CodePINK Journals

Work 4 Peace,Hold All Life Sacred,Eliminate Violence! I am on my mobile version of the door-to-door, going town-to-town holding readings/gatherings/discussions of my book "But What Can I Do?" This is my often neglected blog mostly about my travels since 9/11 as I engage in dialogue and actions. It is steaming with my opinions, insights, analyses toward that end of holding all life sacred, dismantling the empire and eliminating violence while creating the society we want ALL to thrive in

Monday, May 08, 2006

mother's day month in d.c.

1.  Readings of Mother's Day Proclamation by Julia Ward Howe in House office building (Rayburn).

2.  Multiple collaborations with Network of Spiritual Progressives (in town for 2nd annual conference) including interfaith service, speakers in common, rallying and marching, and on-stage presence.

3.  Tabling at 2nd annual conference of Network of Spiritual Progressives at All Souls Unitarian.

4.  Aerial photograph from Washington Monument spelling "Moms say No War".

5.  Meeting with head staffer of Senator Barbara Boxer of California and submission of written statement urging end to war.

6.  Creation of large, effective visual by displaying banners protesting war at Hillary's shared Code Pink house in S. E. Washington.
And our participation in the
immigration rights rally,and the NSP gathering in the park before we
attempted to deliver the Don't Iraq Iran petition to Dubya.

The recruitment office demonstration, during which we basically SHUT IT DOWN! This story should be on Truth Out. They video taped the demonstration and others were there taking pictures and writing the story.

Also, attended Lobbying Training and did lobbying for "Military Conscientious Objector Act" and "National Peace Tax Fund" sponsored by Center for Conscience on War and A National Campaign for A National Peace Fund

Oh, do you have attended a 24hour vigil? ; )

And what about decked out a 3 story house in hot pink banners and signs, catching the attention of every passerby on 6th street and on Pennsyvania so that most actually stop and read the signs?! (I have pictures of the house I can upload to the womensayenough site if you'll tell me how)
·         Visit to Barbara Boxer's Office
·         Visit to Richard Durbin's Office
·         Reading Julia Ward Howe Proclamation in halls of Congress
·         "Testifying" at Rumsfeld's speech before Appropriations Committee hearing (Nancy),&ArchiveDays=100&Page=2
·         Vigils in neighborhood of Hillary's House on 6th St. SE
·         Tabling at Network for Spiritual Progressives conference
·         Demonstrating at Army Recruitment Center with Vets Against the Wa

we left our little green men inside Congressional office bathrooms and gave one as a gift to Barton. 

For those of you who think protests don't make a diff

I stopped at a gas station in the middle of nowhere Iowa – in fact, I passed the exit & had to travel 8 miles down the freeway before I could turn around & head back so I could purchase diesel at Citgo, the first one I’ve seen on the freeway.

When I went inside, the very young white woman cashier read my shirt, “Women say ENOUGH!”. I asked her if people in her ‘town’ were saying BASTA! yet about the war.

"Heck yeah," she says – they like that 'heck yeah' here in the middle of the country I guess.

She asks me if I had been in Grinnell 'a ways back'. She's referring to a ways back when they had an anti-war demonstration. Grinnell is the next town over, maybe 20 miles away. She tells me her & her fiancée were driving thru there 'a ways back' & they saw someone hold a poster which said that we were spending over $230 million dollars EVERY DAY on this war.

“For what?,” she says, her voice & face reflecting my own despair & pain, “For what?”