lost absentee's - already!!!!
yes, michael moore's office called me today - not once but twice! on my cell, during prime time, once while i was canvassing shoppers at a 'dangerous' mall!!! and once while i was standing on the street corner waving 'no stolen elections' and trying to engage in a political discussion one of the 2 bush supporters standing in front of us. he (the bushette) could only say bush was making america stronger, which he unfortunately tried to yell to the passing traffic. we yelled "for rich white men", "for halliburton", etc. when he'd pause for breath. he and his friend left shortly.
briefly - broward is almost TOTALLY democratic - the 3 of us, laurie from park slope has joined us, encountered strong kerry support, few if any bush supporters, and way too many folks who were not allowed to vote, and not because they're not citizens. earlier, we connected w/the naacp, searched for election protection folks, scoped out a good nov 3 meeting site - just in case - did crucial corner banner-waving, provided background for live tv at 5:00 and 6:00, demonstrated in front of a recruiting station only to be swamped by really scary (as in vicious twilight-zone violent racist nazi beings) anti-left people w/megaphones & bigger signs, not to mention more numbers, then us!
we found the gay & lesbian - well at least gay - part of ft lauderdale - it's in yet another 5 points neighborhood - that makes three that i know of: atlanta, jacksonville, and now ft. lauderdale - to leaflet the mm event tomorrow p.m. - after we made flyers.
rushing again