Code Pink Journals CodePINK Journals

Work 4 Peace,Hold All Life Sacred,Eliminate Violence! I am on my mobile version of the door-to-door, going town-to-town holding readings/gatherings/discussions of my book "But What Can I Do?" This is my often neglected blog mostly about my travels since 9/11 as I engage in dialogue and actions. It is steaming with my opinions, insights, analyses toward that end of holding all life sacred, dismantling the empire and eliminating violence while creating the society we want ALL to thrive in

Sunday, April 25, 2021

What we (DON'T) have to put up with....

 I want to look more carefully at this trans domination post a kinda fb 'friend' wants me to read and then shut up about (see the previous post):

Let's talk about this "forced to accept", an interesting concept for who in our society has to power to force anyone else to "accept" anything. We know that first and foremost it is rich, white, strate men. Wombn, including white wombn, do not have the power to force anyone to accept anything nor do any poor, powerless people.

How about the "against your beliefs". Sex is NOT a "belief": it is a biological reality. Gender assigned to both sex and race ARE beliefs that are institutionalized in our society by those people who have to power to do this.

To equate the reality of biological sex with having a "problem" with people of color, etc., is not just ludicrous but has not basis in reality. Then to dismiss the "problem" with race, sex, immigrants as feelings that we are not only being given permission to feel but are "welcome" to feel them. REALLY? First of all, it's only men who think they can allow others to feel

What we (DON'T) have to put up with...another pregnant fuckin people response

 Of course you know that many people responded in support of wombn and against the erasure of wombn in this trend to erase wombn from our child-bearing miracle. (see the preceding post)

Susan writes:
Sorry, but if there's a period, there's no pregnancy. ðŸ˜‰
But seriously Xan, why does this make you so angry? It just makes me want to understand how different people are. I don't feel I loose anything from opening up the gender binary. How does this hurt us?

It's a question worth answering and so I do:

1st of all, there is no gender binary, there is a sex binary. Period. So there's no gender binary to 'open up. There is a gender 'assignment' to sex & race. It's called, seen, & known as racist misogyny. U do not see that "pregnant people" erases wombn? U do not know that it is men who determined wombn shld b erased? That not 'just' our safety undermined but our very beings negated at best, eliminated if not dominated - nothing new.

Amy, in her succumbing to the clown world of the gender fracus has deserted wombn.

I spent my life working to abolish fuckin gender while committing myself to deeply loving, honoring, empowering, & holding sacred wombn, including white wombn. I know in the most knowing sense what racism & misogyny is & exactly how it is manifested not just in our society, systemically, but also how it is internalized, how we succumb & even contribute to if not our own oppression then to the oppression of others.

How does this hurt us Susan? U just said it - there is no more "us", once we become 'people' & when we r erased, then seeing our oppression, knowing who is dominating is no longer visible nor accountable. Sex-blind, color-blind r tried & true methods of oppression, not answers or 'understandings' of isms.

Part of love is accountability. I can love Amy & hold her accountable.


p.s. ALL the isms make me angry, at the very least. Why r u not angry? In love & RAGE, Xan

What we (DON'T) have to put up with...pregnant fuckin people???? REALLY

 A strate white womon kinda friend reacted negatively to my post about fuckin pregnant "people" language. I wasn't even talking about Scotland or some European aryan male shit where the law is requiring midwives (did they allow the 'wives' to slip thru?) to refer to mothers and pregnant wombn as "pregnant people".

Instead, I was referring to a news bulletin on Democracy Now, talking about the impact of covid on pregnant fuckin "people"...

This is what I wrote:

Fuckin pregnant fuckin "people"??? Really amy goodman???
So is everyone else fuckin non-pregnant fuckin "people"???
Just because misogyny attempted to make the ONLY purpose/value for females forced baby-makers doesn't mean that the glorious ability of our bodies to create, give and sustain life, should any wombn who even has the choice CHOOSE to do so, is anything less than a sacred ability that elevates our worth and status as the invaluable FEMALE human beings on the planet we are.
NO there are NO pregnant "people": there are ONLY pregnant wombn and girls. Period.

To which Nancy responded:
 What ism here are you talking about? You are so wrong in your opinion about trans people. I will erase this whole text and do so whenever you put down trans people. People are human first and all humans should be respected. I am so surprised at your hatred of other human beings. I know many trans people, worked with them 40 years ago in Pittsburgh, Pa., never met a trans person I didn't admire.

To which I said:
Ur totally avoiding the issue & making a blatant attempt to disregard the misogyny that is disappearing wombn. What is this bullshit people r human? This is ur version of "all lives matter" when faced with the calling out of misogyny. Or being color-blind. I'm talking about misogyny, fuckin racist, sexist, heterosexist misogyny: the domination & oppression of wombn & girls. Of fuckin course we're all human but systemic isms make some dominant & others dominated, etc, etc. Y can't u get this Nancy? Centering & loving wombn has NOTHING 2 do w/men. Period. Y can't u accept & honor & hold sacred wombn & girls? Period. Without hvng 2 go on a trans rant.