Monday, April 30, 2007
Arise then Women Arise! "We will surround Congress...
We HAVE to go to this wimmin!!!! This is echoes of our "women say ENOUGH! BASTA!" call - maybe this is it.
Our newly elected congress sure is NOT going to end war - and here we're supposed to be protesting the veto of $124 billion more dollars to escalate war.
I say we join Cindy Sheehan in D.C., surround Congress, and stay there until it's over.
Together we WILL end war!!!
From Cindi Sheehan, Camp Casey Peace Institute: Call for 10,000 Mother of a March
"I am calling on Mothers of the world to join to join us in Washington DC for a “10,000 Mother of a March” on the day after Mother’s Day, Monday, May 14th, 2007. Marches on the weekends are not effective, we need to shut the city of DC down! We will surround Congress and demand an end to this evil occupation and refuse to leave until the Congressional Leadership agrees with us, or throws us in jail!" sign up
It takes balls (I guess) to veto $124 billion more dollars to escalate war: THANKS BUSH!
Amazing. President Bush has the balls to veto his own request for $124 billion more dollars to escalate the war against Iraq – something Democrats in Congress were allegedly fearful of doing because they didn’t want to be seen as ‘against the troops’.
Here Mr. Bush is going to do it without pause! Wow –I guess this is balls, boys! and girls of the Democratic Party.
I’m celebrating when Bush does this. What a victory for our side!
Can you see our headlines: Bush denies $124 billion to escalate war!
Then there are those who cry, what about the time line? Puleeze do not buy that hype. Take a good look at the “time line” and know that it is as much of a lie for disguising the continuing war as any the Republicans tell about disguising the starting war.
It calls for the troop withdrawal to BEGIN (maybe) Oct 1st, 2007, and to have ½ out (not home) by April 2008 (yes better dates than originally) but it keeps troops in for missions against al qaeda and for training Iraq ‘police’ – and it is all NON-BINDING. Democrat & Republican HYPE.
I swore after Kerry not just lost but bowed out less than 24 hours after an election froth with fraud and voter disenfranchisement, that I would NEVER settle for less than what I really want again. And I would NEVER settle for the lesser of 2 evils.
I follow Fannie Lou Hamer’s courageous acts of empowerment to never settle for “the best they are willing to give that is less than the best that you want”!
If this bill gave Bush $124 billion in additional money & then said it can only be used to return our troops & contractors home safely within 6 months, THAT would be something to fight for.
But to fight for a nothing bill that promotes double speak & allows the Democrats to look like they are anti-war is unconscionable at best.
It is time to stop the killing, stop the occupation, stop the bullshit political games that are destroying people’s lives – all in our name. Reclaim Mother’s Day, join Cindy Sheehan in D.C., surround Congress Monday, May 14th, refuse to leave until Congress ends war.