Occupy Birmingham - to be continued
Here, people have built platforms on the edge of the sidewalk - about 6 or 7 individual sleeping areas perched on pallets, sections off by lots of blue plastic tarps.
Two men great me warmly and enthusiasticall show me around the Occupy, telling me the history of this occupy. They have been there since October 15th 24/7. No one has tried to move them, shut them down, or harass them. In fact, the police come by periodically and ask if everything/one is okay, if they need anything.
People come by and drop off food, supplies, signs. They've had marches, protests, general assemblies.
There is a tall white man also, what Amy would most likely call an adbusters type. He is on the computer and seems to be an instrumental part too.
My guides speak to me about their challenges keeping the occupation going. They are both African American, southerners, and committed to stay for the long run. And they are leaders of this Occupy.
They introduce me to the one woman who is there, who is bi-racial and very young. She is not sure how long she will stay but she wants to stay for the duration.
It is sooooo cold I cannot move my lips. I go to FedEx to get my flyers copied and to get online. The fellow behind the counter has not been to the Occupy yet, but he is very supportive! He helps me print my flyers, takes one, and contributes to the cause! YEAH!!! And he is African American, young, and technologically competent!!!
It is so deeply rewarding to get support from employees who might not necessarily be directly involved but who feel moved to contribute in their own way.