Brief Report Back Saturday 11/7 zoom These Dayz After: "What Will White Womyn Do To End Racism"
In the sharing of our recent challenges and successes, we covered several white fragility issues as: the need for whites to establish “safe” spaces, or to feel “safe” when confronting racism; the challenges of distinguishing between bigotry, discrimination, racism; white anglo saxon vs white jew/Italian/greek claiming color, not ignoring it; white feminists unwillingness to confront racism, prioritize anti-racism.
We discussed in depth white “privilege”, deciding if, when, is it safe enough to confront racism; blatant racism vs more subtle racism; finding white allies in anti-racism; the cost of confronting racism, toppling white comfort/acceptability/community.
And risk: what are we willing to risk, what cost, what sacrifice.
Resources shared: Audre Lorde “Sister Outsider”, all
of her books; PBS shows: “Driving While
Black”, “The Long Shadow”.
Jennifer Abod:
– films: