Code Pink Journals CodePINK Journals

Work 4 Peace,Hold All Life Sacred,Eliminate Violence! I am on my mobile version of the door-to-door, going town-to-town holding readings/gatherings/discussions of my book "But What Can I Do?" This is my often neglected blog mostly about my travels since 9/11 as I engage in dialogue and actions. It is steaming with my opinions, insights, analyses toward that end of holding all life sacred, dismantling the empire and eliminating violence while creating the society we want ALL to thrive in

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Day 1: Justice for Migrants at the border

Our action begins. It has been decided that as u.s.ofa. citizens, we should go to the Mexican side of the border to protest the actions of not just the Texas governor and military, but of our u.s.ofa. government who is not putting a stop to Texas doing this at our country's border.

In case there's confusion, as is the least of what we are grappling with, it is the designated duty and responsibility of the u.s.ofa. government to police, patrol, secure the borders of our country, and NOT the duty of the state.

Although the u.s.ofa. has ordered Texas to remove buoys, state militia, concertina razors from the border, Texas has refused to comply. When pondering why the feds aren't upholding the law, some have theorized they fear Texas will seceed from the union. And so???

If Texas did seceed, we would just have a bigger border!

Anyway, this is our banner display across the river from the military. Although we are upstream from the first bridge across the river, I doubt anyone but the military can see us.

These last two pics are of the Mexican military at the base of the bridge at Piedras Negras, watching who is crossing into the u.s.ofa. Look closely at their weapons - supplied by the u.s.ofa. - as are their uniforms, training, etc. We LOVE to train young men how to kill their own people.

The freedom of the Ibis

Ibis foraging for food in the river between the u.s. side shore & the concertina razors

View from the Mexico side looking across the Rio Grande into Texas and the military installation

This is the futbol (soccer) field where neither kids nor adults are allowed to play any more since January

When your governor is Abbigott, and the people fail to rise

Over 40 acres of public park land confiscated by abbott (gov of Texas) who has filled it with Texas National guard, Texas state guard, military & state troopers - all more than obscenely armed to prevent the citizens of Eagle Pass from using the park and the river recreationally, as they've been doing forever. And to cruelly and illegally make sure no one can seek asylum on this border.

Oh the hidden concertina razor

View of the beautiful Rio Grande from Mexico, marred by the knowledge that concertina razor wire is lurking under the surface of the river close to the u.s.