$5 gas coupon
One of the superb hullaballoo wimmin offered to redo the coupon so it fits on a page and will be easier to cut. Another womon offered to get free ink for us!
I am inside a gas station making my own coffee when one customer comes in with the coupon he received outside. I watch as he tries to hand it to the clerk, another white male he apparently knows. They scrutinize the coupon, debating whether it is real. When they turn it over and begin reading the back, they both stumble at the number of U.S. dead (it was 3525 when we left California ā we have written over it with red ink 3560) and the number of Iraq dead. It dons on them then, this is an anti-war statement.
The customer tells the clerk he should send it in to the boss. I leave as they are arguing about what to do with the coupon.