Jail and Legal Support Fund needs your donations!
All through my travels, through these parts of the country that seemed to be overwhelmingly the hotbeds of aggressive support for war and fundamentalism - now seem to be stepping up to the plate and determined to end this war.
I am so encouraged - and I know we have the toughest, most challenging battles ahead of us in D.C. And I know we are up for the task!
I have gotten several requests from wimmin who are staying home, asking what can they do? I am hoping, besides holding similtaneous "Peace-In" actions at Pelosi's and all democrats' offices that haven't signed on to Barbara Lee's resolution - I am hoping you might want to work on fundraising and collecting monies for jail and legal support of all the wimmin who are going to be doing civil disobedience to end war - whether here or in D.C.
We have SOOOO much to plan and strategize. We have the BEST opportunity to end war in these next couple of weeks then we've had since the beginning. PLEASE do not let these days go by without focusing as MUCH of your time, energy, resources as you possibly can on ending war NOW.
We cannot let this opportunity go by without pulling out all the stops, focusing, committing - we know what is at risk. We know the casualties that are happening in Iraq. We know the ships are outside of Iran. We know 21,000 additional troops are on the spring board.
And we know we have a majority in the House and Senate that is holding our Mandate for Peace. A majority that only WE can/must hold to this Mandate!
PLEASE seriously consider coming to D.C. - we have the house for a MONTH, until Feb 20th. We KNOW if enough folks come to D.C., stay in D.C. in the streets, in the halls of congress, in the offices - if enough of us are there, relentless, determined, we WILL make herstory and end this horrific war and occupation.
We NEED you! Peace, Power, Protest, Participation, Zanne Sam Joi
To donate on line, please go to www.bayareacodepink.org/donate.htm